Joint Statement on In Larger Security: A Comprehensive Approach to Nuclear Security

1. The need for a more encompassing view of various global nuclear challenges was the focus
of the Joint Statement “In larger security: a comprehensive approach to nuclear security",
issued at the 2014 Hague Summit. We believe the core message of that Joint Statement is still
valid and more urgent than ever.

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National Progress Report: Brazil

International Legal Framework – The 2005 Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM) is under consideration by the Brazilian National Congress.

Contribution to IAEA Nuclear Security-Related Activities – Brazil has been supportive of several IAEA activities in the field of nuclear security, including the elaboration of the Nuclear Security Series documents, the sponsorship of regional and international courses in Latin America and the Caribbean (5 of which since 2009), the organization of national workshops and the appointment of experts to missions. Brazil has actively participated in the Joint Task Force of the Commission of Safety Standards, in the Nuclear Security Guidance Committee (NSGC) and the Advisory Group to the IAEA Director-General on Nuclear Security to discuss the synergies between nuclear safety and security.

Enhance efforts in combating the illicit trafficking of nuclear and radiological materials – Brazil contributes to the IAEA Incident Trafficking Database (ITDB) and the IAEA Nuclear Security Information Portal (NUSEC). At the regional level, within the MERCOSUL and Associated States, Brazil has participated in the Specialized Working Group to prevent, detect and respond to the threat of illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials, including training courses for border officials, exchange of information and best practices.

Contribution to efforts on HEU Minimization – Brazil has converted all of its nuclear research reactors for the use of low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel. All highly enriched nuclear fuel elements have been repatriated to the country of origin. The new Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor is being designed also to use LEU.

Strengthening of nuclear and radioactive material security in transport – The National Regulatory Authority (CNEN) has been working with all concerned institutions to improve security standards in the transport of nuclear and radioactive material across the national territory. The Brazilian national regulation on security in transport of nuclear and radioactive material is currently under revision, taking into consideration the IAEA recommendations on this issue.

Strengthening of National Nuclear and Radiological Material Security System – CNEN is currently working in the revised text of its regulations on nuclear and radiological security applicable to nuclear and radioactive material and associated facilities, taking into account international best practices and provisions of the 2005 Amendment of the CPPNM, as well as INFCIRC/225/Rev.5 and other relevant IAEA recommendations.

Strengthening the Role of Nuclear Industry in Nuclear Security –Through the organization of workshops, seminars and training courses, CNEN has made progress in fostering a culture of nuclear security within the national nuclear industry. The implementation of CNEN's Annual Program of Regulatory Security Inspections has also contributed to enhance a culture  of nuclear security by improving the security measures and systems in the Brazilian nuclear facilities.

Establishment of Centres of Excellence –In partnership with the IAEA, the Brazilian Nuclear Physical Security Support Centre was established in 2012 with the aim of training and qualifying personnel in the area of physical security. Since its inception, one international, two regional and eight national courses were organized.